We don’t find ourselves until we find Him.


‘The Language of Sonship’ is a compassionate guide for anyone longing to experience the life of abundance Jesus promises. Jason’s vulnerable stories and scriptural insights will help you silence the voice of legalism, release striving, and find rest in your identity as Abba’s beloved son or daughter.
— Robin Smit
The language of sonship is written by a family man. And family men write about the truth. So I can assure you, you’ll get the powerful declaration of the undiluted gospel, authentic words from an authentic man, stories about how beautiful God truly is as a Dad and much much more. The language of a family is the true language of sonship, of Jesus.
— Camden
This book beautifully portrays the true power of how grace moves us out of sin-conscious living and into the freedom that we were designed for in Christ!
— Allen
For those navigating the complexities of leaving religious systems or seeking a deeper understanding of their identity in Yeshua, Jason’s book is essential. His message, though simple, resonates profoundly.
— Robert

Hi, my name is jason Dunaway

I’m a husband, father, and a son. I’m a writer, author.

Welcome to Purpose In Identity. It was created to host a space where I can continue to write and express the significance of Sonship. Not only that, but to help reinforce the truth of everyone’s sonship in Christ by way of the Spirit. We are all still on the journey of rediscovering what being a son of God looks like and how to live out of that framework in the commonplaces of existence.

Purpose In Identity is this:

“We don't find ourselves until we find Him.”

Our purpose is no longer hidden from us. Although it may seem bleak at times, but it’s not kept from us. The truth is that all of our purpose and identity is found within the man, Jesus Christ.

Apart from this man who has sealed you in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Spirit), we can do no good. We couldn't try if we wanted to. It is how we were designed since before the foundation of the world. We’ve been lavished with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm from our Father without limit. And it is only because we are completely wrapped into Christ.

This is a cause for celebration!

Our purpose and identity are discovered in the incarnate Son. Purpose is a human desire that we are all after, but we don’t find it until we find our identity as Beloved sons and daughters. To find purpose and identity outside of being exclusive with the life of the indwelling Christ is “counterfeit sonship.” And this sonship is not for sale.

It is my utmost prayer that all who read this everything that I put on this website will find the assurance in the Father’s love.

This is a quest to become deeply rooted in what the Father declares over you and I: “You are my Son, my cherished one, and my greatest delight is in you.”