Being Initiated

After taking a year off, I recently started back college and one of the things that I do when I am in transition or am transitioning into a new season is asking the the Father, “Lord, what are you doing in me and through in this next season of my life?” It’s something that needs to be asked if we are going to remain close to Him and walk in devotion.

The beautiful thing about asking Him questions is that He always has the best answers and plan for us. Here is what He said to me:

“So, what if I told you that it wasn’t about school?” “What if it was something much deeper?”

“It’s about becoming.”

If there is one thing that I have learned about my journey with the Father, it’s that it’s always going to be about being initiated as a son. My definition of being initiated means to be brought into a new way of thinking and doing by way of encounter with Abba. We will always be on that journey of becoming the beloved.

“Nothing in our life is accomplished without being affirmed by the Father on the way to where we are going.”

When I look on the life of Jesus in his early stages of ministry, there were moments that the Father affirmed Him so deeply that it effected those around Him. Let’s take a look one of those moments:

Six days later Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, Jacob and John, and hiked up a high mountain to be alone. Then Jesus’ appearance was dramatically altered. A radiant light as bright as the sun poured from his face. And his clothing became luminescent—dazzling like lightning. He was trans-figured before their very eyes. Then suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared, and they spoke with Jesus. Peter blurted out, “Lord, it’s so wonderful that we are all here together! If you want, I’ll construct three shrines, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” But while Peter was still speaking, a radiant cloud composed of light spread over them, enveloping them all. And God’s voice suddenly spoke from the cloud, saying, “This is my dearly loved Son, the constant focus of my delight. Listen to him!” The three disciples were dazed and terrified by this phenomenon, and they fell facedown to the ground. Matthew 17:1-6 TPT

By way of affirmation, Jesus was transferred into glory, so by way of affirmation, we as sons and daughters go from glory to glory as well. The Father doesn’t just send us into a new season without affirming us as his sons and daughters. This is exactly how He initiates us for the next thing He doing in us and through us. Simply put, our destiny is accomplished through beloved identity. There is a deeper place of abiding that God is inviting us into and we need to be really good at loving Him and being loved by Him as we live on this earth as His children.

Don’t just fall in love with the voice of God, but fall in love with Him and you’ll always hear the whisper calling you back to the place of being instead of doing.


Jason Dunaway


The Truth About Your Wilderness


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