Irresistible Mercy: Part 2
“For at one time you were not God’s people, but now you are. At one time you knew nothing of God’s mercy, because you hadn’t received it yet, but now you are drenched with it!” 1 Peter 2:10 (TPT)
The truth that we didn’t know of God’s mercy reveals that His mercy has always been available to us. Perhaps we were just unwilling to receive the free gift?
We have always been Yahweh’s people. Perhaps our actions and ways of thinking have caused us to believe that we were not?
So what kept us from receiving mercy was the lack of knowing our identity in Christ. We cannot see the mercy available in a life that is caught up in works (religion).
What I have discovered over the years is that Yahweh’s mercy is available to all, but all aren’t willing to lay down their old man to receive it. We grow up in systems being taught that He only has mercy on those are saved or those who “have their act together.”
Nevertheless, we are defined by the mercy of God that has defined us.
Francois Du Toit says that it was God’s mercy that saved us and that His mercy came in the form of a man (Christ) who died for us and was raised from the dead. That is good news!
So what is it that makes God’s mercy so irresistible?
What makes it so irresistible is that even our behavior doesn’t dictate how he feels towards us. His mercy is constant and neverending. It is impartial. It does not care what we’ve done.
Maybe the only issue involving Abba’s wonderful mercy is that many people don’t know that it’s readily available to them and that they are already drenched with it.
Scripture says, “but now you have been drenched with it!”
When is now? It is when we come under the revelation that we are loved extravagantly no matter what.
It is when we come under the truth of our identity as sons of God. It is when we let go of religious duty and surrender to a life of resting in the finished works of Christ.
I believe that no one is an enemy of God here, we have just been confused about who He is, therefore we’ve been confused about who we are.
Mercy means that we don’t have enemies. Jesus says to overflow with mercy and compassion for others, just as your heavenly father overflows with mercy and compassion for all (Luke 6:36). How have we allowed religion to limit this to only saved people? To those who have wronged us? To those we cannot stand? Those we don’t agree with?
We don’t get to choose whom we have mercy and compassion on because the standard is all, not some.
Yahweh says to overflow with mercy, meaning to already be filled with a measure of mercy as a secondary consequence of Him overflowing with mercy for all of humanity.
Whom can you show Abba’s mercy towards today?