Lead With an Understanding Heart Pt. 2
As I have been on this journey of learning what great leadership looks like, I would like to briefly revisit a few things that I wrote in my last entry. I talked about Solomon and how God visits him in a dream and says,"What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" Solomon then, only asked for an understanding heart and wisdom in leading Israel. That was an understanding of God's heart he was asking for. Solomon knew what it took that to lead his people. As a leader requesting wisdom and understanding, our mandate is to point and lead others to Jesus.
"I personally believe that when we come into an experience and realization that we cannot do anything on our own, we become the very leader that God has called us to be in this life."
Let's take a look at what qualities a great leader should have. We look to no other for those qualities than Jesus! He is the standard by which we live by. What makes Jesus such a great leader? The two things that make him a great leader and essentially makes all of us great leaders is being a servant. Secondly, he knew the very heart of God. He was so close to him!
1. Be a Servant
One great quality of being a great leader is washing the very feet of the ones you are leading to set an example of what true leadership looks like. (see John 13:1-17)
As Jesus washed the very feet of his disciples, he did this to show the measure of love that he had for them. So in leading people, look for ways to wash their feet (serving them). This brings humility and blessing in your life.
As a leader, we should consider it an honor to and blessing to serve those around us. Try serving when it doesn't benefit you. Serve in such a way that leads others to Jesus. Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant." (see Mark 10:43)
You see, Serving was not beyond Jesus, it was actually what he came to do (see Mark 10:45). Jesus basically served unto death. The true marking of someone who follows the ways of Jesus is someone who serves others when it does not benefit them.
"Leaders, we should come into every situation , or relationship with the expectation of serving others through the eyes of Jesus."
2. Know the Father's Heart
Jesus kept such an intimate relationship with the Father. After all, they are one. In John 3:16-17, Jesus says, "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world but save the world through him." The love of God drove Jesus to give himself as a ransom, as a gift. The father's heart is proven through giving himself.
If you ever were to have the chance to be around Jesus, you would know that it would be a "non-judgement zone." On numerous occasions Jesus encountered people who were difficult, caught in sin, needed healing, mockers, etc. Every single time he pointed them to the truth and the father. We serve a God who isn't condemning or rejecting people, he is accepting people! As a leader we must do the same. We are not called to condemn, but to love. Jesus said that if we demonstrate the same love he has for us by loving one another, everyone will know that we are his true followers.
"If you follow Jesus, you are simply called to love and lead others into the love of God."
I have personally seen so much growth in my ability to lead confidently by putting these things at the forefront of my life and relationship with the Father. I have grown in so many different areas that have allowed to me take influence. It wasn't for the platform, but it was for the pleasure of leading and pointing people towards the gospel. If you can point someone to that then you cannot fail.
I'll leave you with this: The important thing as a leader or someone who is aspiring to be a great leader, we cannot point or lead others to God's heart if we do not understand his heart.