Mary’s Posture
The picture above is only a mere fragment of what I experienced this last weekend. I recently just went on a four day camping escapade in Bon, Aqua Tennessee to the United Pursuit 2017 Reunion.
Living in this culture today, we find ourselves busy with the logistics of life. I do not just mean big decisions we have to make everyday, but I’m talking about the little things that distract us from what’s more important. Jesus. I want to share with you something that God has been speaking to me about so much lately that I believe is very timely for the church. God has been bringing me back to the story of Mary and Martha just about everyday for the last two weeks, and I cannot get away from it. It was as if all the other pages in the bible were glued together.
Read Luke 10:38-42
Jesus visits a village a women named Martha that invites him into her home. She had a sister named Martha who continuously sat at the Lords feet praying and listening to his teachings. The interesting thing about Martha is that she is so distracted by other things that seem to be more important at that particular moment. I’m noticing that Martha is convinced that what she is doing is so important that she asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her with serving. A lot of the times we, and myself included, think that what we are busying ourselves with is very important. Well, today I want to to shed some light and truth on that.
Something that seems to be the ongoing theme in our culture today is that being busy is good thing and that if you are not busy, you’re lazy. Friends, I want to tell you today that nothing is more precious that making yourself available to Jesus and being present with him. We can learn so much from Mary, but we also learn so much from Martha. Let’s start with Mary. Jesus says to Martha,“Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
What is the good portion that Mary chose?
This good portion is the very teachings of Jesus. It’s his presence. She chose to marinate in God’s wisdom. There is nothing better my friends. That is why it’s called the"good portion."
In this particular story, I learned more from Martha. Instead of Martha cultivating and creating her relationship with Jesus, she was distracted by so many other things that she thought was so important. She was more eager to do other things rather than spend time with the most important person in the room. Jesus.
Picture this. You are sitting a dinner with your family and you are having the most amazing conversations. You are having the most amazing time just dining and interacting with them over a good meal. When families eat at the dinner table, this is where you catch up on your day, your week, talk about things you are struggling with, or even get advice. Something comes up and you interrupt the conversation "may I be excused" and you leave the table to go do something. I am painting this picture because so many times we abandon our seat at the table to do something else that seems more important, but in actuality, it is not. So many times we get caught up in the logistics of life and making these everyday small decisions that somehow take my focus off of Jesus and what he is doing in those moments.
This has been me for quite sometime now, like Martha, running around rapidly in my mind with everyday concerns. I had abandoned my seat at the table for other lovers, but it took me going on a four day camping trip, only having the things that I needed, of course I had a my phone, but I was so distracted by the beauty of the outdoors and the people that were with me. I was simply distracted by the beauty of God.
The amazing part of this is, is that when we abandon our seat at the table, that seat remains open and saved for you. He is at the table with your favorite food, waiting to teach you, love you, and spark amazing conversations with you. Will you pray this prayer with me today?
Father, do not let me abandon my seat at the table over worldly distractions. Do not let me step away from the voice that leads us back to truth and love.