The Great Rescuing

When I think of how Abba stooped into our darkness, our delusion, I often think of the phrase The Great Rescue. The incarnation of Jesus was no rescue mission. I wasn’t just a rescuing from hell, but rescue from our own twisted image of the Father.

Remember what Jesus said? “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father” John 14:9. Through the Son, Abba came to restore our image of the Father that had gone askew.

And this distorted image of Him has caused us to walk and live in misidentification and self-effort, attempting to please a God who is already pleased with us.

But when we discover that God is just like Jesus, we find that there is no dark side to Him. He is pure light.

This is the gospel: God is just like Jesus and hecame to reveal his Father to a humanity who has had a skewed image of his Abba.

If you and I have an idea about God that is unlike Jesus, it’s not the Father. And since all are in union with Christ, we cannot strive any longer to be any more like God than we already are.

Here’s a question to mull over:

If Jesus is the express image of the Father, and we are in Christ, then what does that say about you and I?

It says that we have become so renewed not just in our thinking, but in our seeing. It’s seeing ourselves in union with God that causes us to continually renew our thoughts and seeing. This opens the door to a greater revelation of just how good Abba is.

We have all been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of the Beloved Son. Let’s take a look at what Paul says:

“He has rescued us from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his beloved Son. For in the Son all our sins are canceled and we have the release of redemption through his very blood.” Colossians 1:13-14 TPT

The darkness that Paul speaks of isn’t hell. It’s actually rescuing from the sense-ruled world that is dominated purely by the law of performance.

This darkness we speak of is not some kind of force, it the the absence of light. Darkness only has authority over us when we begin to have a shaded understanding that veils the truth of our redeemed innocence. And the very thing that empowers darkness is simply believing lies about ourselves.

I truly believe that once we understand the truth about the grace of God, we will wake up the truth that we aren’t looking at Jesus whom is separate from his father, but we will see Jesus and the Father as completely one. Inseparable.

This life we are living in now has nothing to do with sin in you, but it’s about the son in you. We mustn’t take our eyes of the sheer reality that sin inactive when see Abba through the lens of Jesus. This where true sonship manifests.

We only sin because we have a distorted image of the Father. So, if we fix out father issue, we fix the sin issue simultaneously.

This is the Great Rescue, the rescue from our own delusion.


The Tree of Trust: Flourishing in God’s Favor


God of the ungodly