Whole is What’s true of you

Regarding my last email, I want to peel back some of the layers of what Yahweh has been sharing with me regarding anxiety and how the pure, undiluted gospel counters the effects of it.

The last email I released was updating you all on how anxiety has caused some physiological issues, but also has caused some spiritual deficit within me. It didn’t take long for Him to remind me of the truth…

Over the course of the month, when I would speak about the anxiety attacks I was experiencing, I would often use the phrase, “my anxiety..” My beautiful and amazing wife quickly rebutted, “I notice that you keep saying my anxiety. You shouldn’t speak that over yourself.” She was right and Abba was using her to remind me that anxiety isn’t mine and it definitely didn’t come from the Father.

Though anxiety is real and the attacks are indeed real, it is nothing more than a distraction from the truth. The truth of who I am in Christ. Anything that distracts you and I from the truth of our belovedness is a contradiction. One of the greatest truths that I have discovered in the midst of all that I have been going through is this:

Grace elevates us to be fully content even in the midst of contradiction.

Holy Spirit whispered one morning while laying in bed: “Son, don’t pray the anxiety away. Rather allow my grace to call you into a higher place of secure union where anxious thoughts and feelings cannot reside.”

Francois du Toit’s paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 12:7 beautifully illustrates the truth of my experiences as of lately:

In sharp contrast to these spiritual revelations, the physical pain that I suffered and my severe discomfort momentarily distracted me. It was as if the old mindset of accusation [Satan] persuaded me that this affliction was actually God’s way of keeping me humble. 2 Corinthians 12:7 MIR

You see, religion will tried to convince me that God brought about my anxiety. Deep down I knew I didn’t believe that, but when you experience the physical pains of anxiety with the addition of panic attacks in the night hours, it can definitely feel that way.

All of this has taught me to rely purely upon grace. Because grace alone elevates me to a place of confidence and awareness of His goodness. It’s teaching me that the revelation of beloved identity and wholeness has to go much deeper than it has in past years. I am learning that for some who spread that message of wholeness, righteousness, sonship… It’s just a cop out. They use the message to push all of their problems under the proverbial rug and never deal with the underlying issues in their own lives.

If we want to walk on this earth displaying the real gospel and living as those who are truly whole, we must be willing to let Abba shed light on the things that are holding us back from deeper dimensions of His love, of union, and wholeness.

And this healing and wholeness happens when we stop depending on 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴 and start relying on 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬.

Paul said, “Apart from our works, Gods work is enough.” Romans 4:6 TPT

All the futile attempts to make ourselves whole when we have already been created as whole beings suggests that we believe that Abba’s works is not enough.

Abba whispered recently, “Is the finished work enough for you?” I answered back honestly, “I want it to be, Lord.” He replied, “If it’s not, you will resort to other measures of healing and processes of ‘getting whole.’ If it is, then you can begin the process of walking in union and becoming more aware of how whole you were made to be through the power of God.”

I am beginning to understand that it is the intention of Yahweh that we fully understand the cosmic impact that His Son has made.

On an incarnational level, He’s made us whole from the inside-out. Whole is what’s already true about us, but we are still being convinced of that reality. 

Dare to take that journey of discovering what’s already true about you. Dare to believe that you are righteous as God and whole as a result of Him.

“Even King David himself speaks to us regarding the complete wholeness that comes inside a person when God’s powerful declaration of righteousness is heard over our life. Apart from our works, God’s work is enough.” Romans 4:6 TPT

The wholeness we inherit isn’t some fragile wholeness that fluctuates when things get difficult or when we find ourselves in situations where our current state contradicts all that we hear from Abba or believe. No, this wholeness is as David says, a complete wholeness. That can only come through hearing Abba’s declaring voice, “You are righteous and there is nothing you can do about it.” “You are healed and there is nothing you can do about it.” “You are accepted and there is nothing you can do about it.” “You are loved and there is nothing you can do about it.”

As I am allowing the Father to reinforce wholeness in my life, I am learning to align every part of my being with this truth: I am completely whole and that is apart from any any contribution on my end.

Reinforcing wholeness looks like coming into agreement with Abba’s declaration over you and I: You are perfectly righteous.


God of the ungodly


Because you are sons