You Are a Leader
As I am in the process of what it looks to become a great leader, mentor, and teacher, I can honestly say without a doubt in my mind that Jesus is and will always be the greatest leader and standard setter. I say this with confidence because I have looked up to so many leaders and teachers in my life and growth as son(Child of God) and I still look up to those people, but going to back to Jesus’ life and ministry and how he picked out his disciples and taught them has changed the way I have approached at being great leader and teacher.
Jesus led others, not to have followers, but to produce powerful and confident leaders in themselves which he already saw. I love how he added value to their lives. It’s amazing because his disciples actually added value to his own life and his purpose as an amazing teacher and savior. In my opinion I don’t think Jesus would have went to the cross if there was no value in doing it, but there was and that’s what is important. Our potential in exceeding the amazing things he had been doing gave enough value to enduring the cross. He, being such a great leader did things that brought value to his disciples and the people around him.
Jesus says in John 14:12 “Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” Did you catch that? He says we will do greater works than these he will do. Jesus was not worried about his reputation here at all, nor was he insecure. This is why he was able to lead so well. He just did whatever the Father was doing (John5:19). It was simply out of relationship with the Father.As a leader/teacher, he invested time in people and he saw potential in everyone he encountered. This also relates to the cross and the value it holds for our lives today.
We are all called to be leaders. Followers of Christ, but leaders in every sphere of influence we have because it encourages us, others, and points people to Jesus. I am learning more and more everyday that I don’t have or need to lead others to have followers, but to lead others to create a sense of self-worth, value, and significance in them. This essentially leads them into place where they see their own influence in someone else’s life they may feel called to. This is what made Jesus so successful. He taught people their value in the Kingdom.He taught them so that they could exceed the works he had already been doing and see lives get changed through what he had taught through his parables, his walk, and his connection with God.
“Let us lead others with the mindset of them having the full capacity to lead others.”