Season that Never Ends

My wife and I are currently in the middle of selling our first home. It feels like the stage of packing up our home will never end, not including all of the other things on our list to get things done by this weekend, but going through the process of selling a home can take its toll on you and your significant other. The more I pack, box up things, and prepare the more I am discovering it's not merely about the house and moving, but about my wife and I's hearts staying connected throughout this process. 
Genesis 2:24 says, Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Sometimes people ask "what does it mean to become one?"  When you think of the phrase "becoming one flesh", you think of the act of sex but it's also much more than that. It's also sharing life, not just bodies, possessions, but thoughts, dreams, joyful moments, bad moments, hopes, fears, successes, and failures. It's also continuing to pursue connection with your spouse in the middle of your everyday anxieties and responsibilities that you have. I can tell you that no matter how long you've been married, it will be challenging but it will also be growing and rewarding at the same time.
Something that God is currently teaching me in this current season I'm in is that growing in "oneness" with my wife is choosing to maintain my identity as a Son of God, choosing to always keep him the head of my life and next choosing connection with my wife throughout everything that's currently going on and will go on in the future. I'm finding it so rewarding even as I write this that I have a responsibility as a Son, a husband, and the head of my household to lead my family well in all spheres of life.
Also, I am discovering the beauty of my relationship with God and my wife throughout this process by continuing to love her and honoring her even when it gets stressful in the process of moving. When I am doing this I am maintaining my connection with the Father and my wife and the fruit that I have reaped from that has been life changing. So if you are married, engaged, or even dating; Above all else honor and love your significant other. Be more aware of Gods presence while you are in the current season that you're in. Lastly, show unconditional love and always take delight in honoring each other. 
"Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other." Romans 12:10 
Marriage is an amazing journey and a lifelong season that never ends. It can only grow you into the Son/Daughter you are destined to be.


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