He Exists Being Love

“We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in God, and God abides in him.”

These words comes from the beloved Apostle John himself. He’s revealing to us the revelation of who God is and who we have become in him. 1 John has got to be one of my favorite books in the Bible outside of Ephesians because it is saturated with the love of God , which has been lavished upon us in Christ.

I used to see Abba’s love as something that he does, but as i’ve grown emotionally, spiritually and even in my age, i’ve discovered that all along he has been love. Apostle Damon Thompson would always say that Yahweh’s “isness” is love. It is just who he is.

It’s funny what religion will teach you about the love of God: God exists, but there is some measure of variance in him and his love.

How absurd!?

We need to learn how to separate the two. Yes, God shows us love, it’s only because he is love. We only slip away from this revelation that he exists being love when we stop abiding in restful union with Christ.

When we come under the revelation/experience that God is love. In other words: We abide. But more simply speaking, we remain there.

We’re taught to love one another, but also given a new commandment by Jesus himself to love one another the way that he himself did. I believe it is impossible to do so until we come under the radical experience that he is love and that we are loved in this very moment.

That truth friends, will never change. Not one bit.

We must ask ourselves this question:

How do we know what love looks like in this level that John was speaking of?

well, if we look at the life of Jesus in his humanity, we will see the love of Abba permeating through his every word and action.


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