Receive His Righteousness

“Farther than from the sunrise to a sunet-that’s how far you’ve removed our guilt from us.” Psalm 103:12 TPT

The sunrise reminds me everyday that I wake up, I get to live under the Father’s smile. The sunset is a reminder that tomorrow will come and His heart toward me will be the same as it was when I woke.

I’m learning to separate what I have once deemed the truth about God and what I now know to be true revelation of who Jesus’ Abba is. I believe with all my heart that as we grow up in Christ, our ideas about who the Father is begin to change and form within each season we find ourselves in.

For me, it wasn’t until the last 2 years that I had come to a realization of how much religion I was walking in. Sure, I have loved Jesus for a long time, but have I loved him enough to let him reveal who his Father is? Through the years I’ve allowed the overwhelming effects of guilt deceive me and hold me back from what Yahweh has been wanting to accomplish in me.

I’ve only experienced guilt because I still have not received the truth of all truths:

Jesus has liberated me from the guilt, punishment, and power of sin. (Romans 3:24)

All the guilt that I carried and dealt with in my past came only because I never saw myself as accepted in the beloved (Eph. 1:6).

You will never find guilt come from the heart of Abba. Just like gazing out into the ocean and it’s horizon, which is never-ending, you will never find any shame come from His lips. Not ever.

He’s removed it by way of the faithfulness of His Son, Jesus.

Herein lies the gospel.

But now, independently of the law, the righteousness of God is tangible and brought to light through Jesus, the Anointed One. This is the righteousness that the scriptures prophesied would come. It is God’s righteousness made visible through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. And now all who believe in him receive that gift. (Romans 3:21-22 TPT)

Righteousness was made possible not because we got our act together. It was made possible and tangible through one man, Jesus. We can’t take credit for that.

We have received it freely. Jesus is the righteousness manifested in our life. We are to simply believe that truth and it is ours.

Today, I dare you to believe that you are as righteous as God. That’s how He sees you anyways.


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